raja banks

Stuck at breakeven in Trading ? Watch this.

How to anticipate moves beyond consolidation.

How to do analysis on charts for Buys/Sells

How and where to place a TP

The Truth About Raja Banks 👀

What to do when stuck in consolidation.

Live Forex London Session- 21st March 2025

It is really important to understand what candle sizes mean when it come towards volume. #forextips

$19,000 day today. Trust the volume. Have targets. Understand candles and execute.

How NOT to trade the trend - Save $$$ on trades

Mastering GBPJPY and GOLD in the London Session

Psychology tips that made me $10M in 9 years.

How Raja Banks Trades 🧠 #trading

Brokerage Owner: Most Traders Are LOSING, & It's So Avoidable - Raja Banks

The Truth About Raja Banks Exposed 🤯 #trading


Raja Banks Debunks ICT’s Algorithm 🤯 #trading #trader

Raja Banks Forex Course REVIEW

My forex journey from a $200 trading account

What are wickfills ? A simple explanation.

Difference between an Exhaustion wick and a Wick fill

When Raja Banks Went ALL IN

Day In A Life Of A Forex Trader ( With RAJA BANKS )

First time in a McLaren ! $500 trade and Launching cTrader